20180421:2000 The BEFORE Party
April 21, 2018 8:00pm
Greg’s Place
348 West 49th St, NY 10019
As most of you know, I have been in a protracted legal battle with the landlord of my apartment to attain legal possession (i.e. a lease). And not just any lease – a rent-stabilized lease.
After months of court dates, the trial has been scheduled for Thursday, April 26, 2018.
The trial will result in one of three possible outcomes:
1. The judge rules in my favor
2. The judge rules against me.
3. The case is adjourned for a later date, for any variety of reasons.
Regardless of the outcome, this will be the last opportunity to enjoy my cozy, shabby-chic, entertaining pleasure pod before I radically alter it.
I am calling this party the BEFORE Party because it is before my trial date, and it is for people who have been here before.
Let me know if you think you’ll be able to make it.